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Knocked Out: A Red, Hot and BOOM! Story Page 3

  “That’s Tamara.” He told her.

  “You gotta go back to the Octagon, Evan. I understand your wanting to be there for your daughter, but you have to do what you have to do.”

  “There are other choices.” He told her.

  “You were born to fight. From the times you were All-American in high school to your first day

  in the Cage, there was a fire in your eyes that no one could extinguish. The way you connected with the crowd and held them in the palm of your hands was a beautiful thing to see. They cheered for you when you won, and cried when you stepped down. You were a star. You can burn bright again.. Don’t take the fight for me, do it for Everly. She will love you regardless of what job you have.”

  Just when I thought I was out, I’m pulled back in.

  “ When and where is this fight?” he asked his mother.

  Chapter Five

  “Why are we here?” Hayley asked Tucker as the two of them walked into the bar a couple of days

  after their successful training camp.

  The bar, called Mason’s was a small dive on the outskirts of town. Full of wooden paneling, the

  building, was full of photographs depicting boxing’s and MMA’s past, present and future.

  The place smelled strong of stale beer and sweat. On one side there was a pool table and

  dartboard, and on the other side was a stage with small dance floor. The two walked past the stage, pool table and bar and headed towards the back of the building. Connected to the bar by a makeshift

  breezeway, an old warehouse emerged. Her curiosity ended when she saw an Octagon that sat smack dab in the middle of the building.

  “What the hell?” she turned to Tucker.

  Tucker let out a huge a belly laughed. “An old friend informed me about a prodigal son is coming home this evening.”

  Hayley looked around the warehouse. Gradually, the locals began to fill the warehouse to

  capacity. She and Tucker made their way down to ringside and people watched.

  The Octagon was a perfect masterpiece of steel. Its mat had the bar’s colors of red and black on the floor framed in around a black chain link gate. Multi colored lights surrounded the sides of the Octagon along with a state of the art sound system in the back for entrances. Hayley couldn’t help but be floored at the minor spectacle continuing to unfold in front of her eyes. Suddenly, a slender man walked over to Tucker and sat down next to him, extending his hand. “You made it!” the man said to Tucker.

  Tucker grinned from ear to ear. “I did my man. Great to see you. How are you?” He asked.

  “Good. Good.” The young man said while taking a quick glance at the packed house. “I have a

  feeling we’re about to get a full house.”

  “It is usually like this?” Tucker asked.

  “Depends on who’s fighting. There was hardly anyone here until they heard a ‘certain person’

  blew through two locals earlier. Now, everyone is coming out of the woodwork for this main event.”

  Hayley’s eyes narrowed as Tucker turned to her. “Hayley, allow me to introduce to you to one of

  my former students. This is Michael Bates. Michael, this is Hayley Monroe from Contact Sports.”

  Michael was a tall man with light brown hair and brown eyes; his thin build wasn’t the typical

  look of an MMA fighter, but his strong grip as he shook her hand changed Hayley’s mind quickly..

  “You’re a producer, right? You doing that MMA show?” Michael asked.

  Hayley smiled warmly at the man. “Yes, I am. I’m the producer of the Next Great Hope.”

  Michael snickered. “Well, you won’t have to look far. He’s here”

  “Aren’t you confident?” Hayley said.

  “Nah, just speaking the truth. You’ll see what I’m talking about.” Michael explained.

  “I’m looking forward to it, Michael.”

  “Ms. Monroe, welcome to what the locals called ‘Hells Gate.” Michael told her. “I promise that

  you won’t be disappointed in the prospect I have for you. He’s a former undefeated star. In fact, he was one of the top contenders for years until he left the business.”

  “Really? Why did he leave?” Hayley asked.

  “That’s his story to tell. But if there were anyone that deserved this shot at a second chance, it’s my cousin, Evan.”

  “I agree.” Tucker said.

  “I’m going to go. He’s up next.” Michael said. “Tucker, you missed some pretty good prospects

  for Rounders earlier. Evan destroyed them. ”

  “How good was he?” Tucker asked.

  “It’s as if he never left the cage. No rust on him.” Michael beamed

  “ You serious?” Tucker said with his eyebrows raised.

  “Our boy took out the last one with a superkick so perfect that the guy was out cold. You would

  have been proud. ”

  Tucker let out a huge laugh. “That’s my boy. Evan was one of my best students. He was a

  prodigy. He can talk; his moves were fluid, and the ladies like him.”

  “They don’t call him the enigma for nothing. Enjoy the fight.” Michael said as he got up and


  “Jesus. What a story!” Hayley said.

  “Michael’s a good guy.” Tucker said.

  Suddenly, the lights went down in the warehouse. The rowdy crowd that could be heard from the

  front of the bar had made their way towards the darkened cage where now a single spotlight shined bright.

  A shadowed figure began to walk with the beat of the Apocalyptica song, “Not Strong Enough’’

  towards the Octagon. He wore a silk black hooded robe with white trim and matching trunks.

  The crowd leapt to his feet as he continued to walk into the Octagon. Hayley was intrigued while she observed the audience’s response to the hooded man. He stood in silence with his head partially down as the music continued to play.

  In a deep voice, the announcer made his announcement.

  “Good evening. Welcome to tonight’s main event at Hell’s Gate!”

  The crowd roared as the figure continued to stand in the center of the cage. His hands, taped in black were crossed in front of him. The single spotlight began to turn into a multi-colored light show as the chorus of the hit song played.

  To Hayley, it was as if the figure was taking in the audience’s energy like a sponge.

  The announcer attempted to blurt out the introduction, but the crowd wasn’t going to have it.

  The more the music played, the more rabid they got. Hayley giggled as she watched the announcer speak.

  “As we all can see, our contender has made their way into the Octagon.”

  The man in black now made his way toward the corner of the cage. His piercing blue eyes gazed

  into the hungered crowd. The stone face concentration had morphed into a bemused expression. Looking over at Hayley, the handsome man winked and flashed a wicked smile.

  “Well now. Look who likes you.” Tucker whispered at Hayley.

  “Bet he does that to all the girls.” Hayley said with a snicker.

  “Oh no, he doesn’t. I know this one. Something’s telling me; I better keep my eye on the two of

  you .” Tucker teased.

  “Tuck, this is business. He’s playing with the crowd. They all do it, at least the good ones do.”

  She said.

  She was flattered by the adulation. No one had given her this much attention in a long time so

  she was going to take it where she could get it. His intense blue eyes seared through her core. If the two of them continued to look at each other in the way they have been, she’d have to book them a room at the nearest hotel.

  “Welcome home Evan!” a woman screamed.

  “Thank you, baby.” Evan said to the woman as he took off his robe.

  One could hear only the gasps of every female in the warehouse inc
luding, Hayley. His ripped

  body was a carved muscular masterpiece. On his shoulder there were two initials, E.B tattooed in a Celtic font followed by the word enigma in the same font on his right calf.

  “So this is Evan Bates.” Hayley asked Tucker.

  “In the flesh. Damn, he looks tremendous. ” Tucker said.

  “Yes, he does.” Hayley said as she glanced at Evan again and smiled back at him.

  Tucker shook his head. “Oh, boy.” Tucker went from being jovial to being concerned.

  “Be careful little girl, he’s dangerous. Once he catches you; he won’t let go.”

  Hayley was watching Evan for several seconds before she answered her mentor. “Let go?” she


  “He’s a complicated. Just use caution.”

  Hayley understood. She knew he was right, but she like others in the crowd; she was into his

  eyes, that devilish grin, the 6 pack abs, that ass.

  Think Hayley, you have a show to produce. He has the charisma and movie star looks down, but can he fight? Focus...

  “I love you Evan!!” another woman screamed back.

  Evan let out a huge grin. “Love you too.” He said with another grin.

  That damn smile was as devious as it was delicious. Her only hope was that no one saw the

  puddle of drool that was most likely pouring out of her mouth.

  He was going to be the death of me. Damn grin

  Tucker laughed again at he watched Hayley’s reaction to Evan. “You have got the Bates Effect.”

  Her mind diverted from Evan briefly to look at her partner in crime. “Bates Effect?” She asked with confusion.

  “The Bates Effect is when the expression that females have when they are in Evan’s presence. I

  have tried to warn you. But it’s too little too late. All he’s got to do is wink or wave, and the girls will have their tongues dragging to the ground.”

  Her eyes went back to Evan. She was so concentrated on how he was interacting with the crowd

  from his corner that she never heard the announcer introduce Evan’s contender. The poor soul by

  comparison was out of Evan’s league. He was a smaller, thinner guy and looked at Evan as if he were a deer caught in the headlights.

  This wasn’t going to be a fight; this would be annihilation.

  “Enigma, Enigma!" The crowd chanted as the first round began. The contender attempted to

  throw one punch, however, he his reach wasn’t a match for the veteran fighter. With several series of combination right hooks and round house kicks, Evan finished the poor man off with his finishing maneuver nicknamed the “The Enigma Lock” which was a modified sleeper hold.

  The bout was over in minutes, and the crowd was back on its feet. Evan barely broke a sweat as

  the ref raised his hand, and Evan hugged his opponent.

  “Holy shit!” Hayley said with a belly laughed. “That was fantastic!”

  “The Enigma has come home! What did I tell you, Hayley? My former student has been gone for

  five years and hasn’t lost a beat.” Tucker said with pride.

  “That’s crazy. Let me see if I can talk him into joining the show.” Hayley said as she grabbed her purse & pulled out her small notebook and pen. She sprinted towards the Octagon where Evan was shaking hands and hugging everyone.

  By the time she made it through the sea of people, he was already gone.

  Out of breath, Hayley asked. “Where did he go?”

  “Gone. Dude never sticks around long enough to get close to anyone.” An audience member told


  “Shit, now what in the hell am I going to do?” Hayley asked putting up his hands in protest.

  Chapter Six

  As quick as he left the Octagon and grabbed his cash, Evan earned his nickname by leaving out of a side entrance, changing into a t-shirt and jeans and driving away.

  To him, it was a job. He did it, got paid and now with the money earned he and his family would

  be okay for a few months.

  He received $5,000 plus a percentage of the gate, newly negotiated by his cousin, Michael. He had to admit; this wasn’t a bad way to come back into MMA. He had $8000 for fighting less than 30

  minutes all night.

  By the time he pulled into the driveway, Everly was already fast asleep. Waiting for him on the couch grinning from ear to ear was his mother, Edna.

  “Some things never change.” She said.

  “Huh?” he said as he placed his bag on the couch while he went to get a beer from the fridge.

  “Michael texted me about an hour ago and told me you’d won.” Edna told him as she knitted a

  pink scarf.

  He took a sip of his beer and walked into the family room. He sat down in the family room with

  his feet up on an old leather easy chair. “Yeah, I won. I’m fucking surprised I did to be honest. The last guy I fought was scrawny, but he had a decent left hook.” He explained while pointing to the side of his chin where the origins of a bruise began to emerge.

  Edna beamed with pride as she continued to knit. “Sorry, about your chin. But I’m not surprised

  you won at all. I told you that you’d win. These local guys have nothing on you.”

  Taking another swig of beer, he replied. “I haven’t fought anyone beyond sparring at the gym in 5

  years. I don’t know the scene anymore.”

  “Maybe you should re-acquaint yourself with it and stop trying to look for a job.”

  “Ma, c’mon. You know why, and I’m tired. Not tonight. ”

  “Evan, you know I’m not begrudging anyone for working. Hell, your father and I worked at the

  mill for 40 years until you asked us to stop. So we did.”

  “Taking care of my child and having a roof over our head is something I have to do.” Evan


  “Absolutely. And I love you for that. But let me ask you, your prize was $5000 right?”

  “$5000 plus Michael got the owner to clip a percentage of the gate.” Evan snickered.

  Edna was so shocked that she dropped her needle. “So what does that make the total?

  “$8000. It was that warehouse behind Masons’ bar that no lie was sold out by the end of the

  night. Must have been close over 2000 people there. ”

  Edna’s eyes opened wide. “You’re shitting me!”

  “Nope. So for now, we’re ok. No going into savings for you. Legal fees, mortgage, food and

  Everly’s tuition is paid for the time being.”

  Edna was relieved. “Happy for you. I am. I pester you because I know this is what you love to do.

  I don’t want you to wake up one day being pissed over what if’s; I want you to happy saying I am.” She told him.

  “We’ll see. But for now, this is a one time thing. Ok?”

  Edna picked up her knitting needles and shook her head. “Won’t make $8000 in night welding

  steel, Evan.”

  Exhausted, Evan went over to his mother and kissed her gently on the cheek. “Night, mom”

  She laughed as she went back to her knitting. “Night, Evan.”

  Chapter Seven

  It had been several days since the bar fight, and Hayley was back in Los Angeles and at her wits end on locating the enigma that was Evan Bates.

  She also tried everything. From Tucker and Billy attempting to talk to his cousin, Michael, who

  suddenly got called out of town for his job, to the owner of Mason’s Bar

  . It was as if Evan didn’t exist.

  She also was putting together the first four episodes of the series. It looked great, but it was missing something…or someone.

  Her office was shabby chic with light blues and purples hues. There were DVD’s of the five

  candidates on one end, and and on the other corner there was red folder that had Evan’s name on it.

  Where do you find
someone that doesn’t want to be found? She leafed through the files at his previous MMA history.

  He began in bar brawls like the one he was in a couple of weeks ago to pay the rent. Tucker, who had just retired at the time, found him, hooked him up with a decent place to live and trained him. In return to Tucker, Evan began to win. A lot. So much that he was one of the top twenty contenders for the MMA heavyweight title.

  It was during a Contact Sports press conference announcing a Contender’s Tournament called.

  “Rage in the Cage” when Evan, a favorite to win, announced his retirement and disappeared.

  What made him come back? Why now?

  All the rocks that she and Tucker knew of had already been looked under. She had one more idea

  left. If this didn’t work, all bets were off.


  A couple of weeks later, Evan had taken his mother and daughter out for the day. It was now

  early summer and Evan and his mother were exhausted from their trip to the zoo.

  “Daddy! I had so much fun today! Can we do this again tomorrow?” Everly asked while she had

  a balloon in one hand and a chocolate ice cream cone in the other.

  Evan laughed while they walked into the house. “Hmm, I don’t know about tomorrow, but we’ll

  definitely do this again, baby. I promise.”

  The little girl nodded her head in between licks of her ice cream cone and replied. “You better.

  Mr. Elephant will miss me.”

  Evan snickered. “I’m sure he will after all the junk you gave him to eat.”

  Edna kneeled in front of her granddaughter and began to wipe the excess ice cream from her face.

  “Sweetie, why don’t you put your Balloon away and finish up your ice cream cone. I’ll be right up to give you a bath and read the new book Daddy got for you today.”

  “Okay, Nana.” Everly said as she sprinted towards her room.

  Evan and Edna fell onto the couch in a tired heap.

  “Dear God Ma, did I have that much energy?” Evan asked.

  Edna laughed. “You were worse than her. At least I can catch her. You were another story at that age.”

  She grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned on the television. She began to surf

  through the channels before settling on the Contact Sports Network. On the screen was an Octagon with a beautiful woman in the middle of the ring.