Knocked Out: A Red, Hot and BOOM! Story Read online

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  search of their top six prospects. Their latest stop took them to another Rounders Gym that Tucker owned which was about 100 miles south from where she first met the former champion. Since they were close to the gym, she and Tucker decided to stop for gas and take some snacks. She rolled into a truck stop; the warm sun turned her classic 1967 VW Bug, into a small oven.

  Wearing a pair of Khaki and a blue t-shirt, Tucker wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.

  “Thank the lord. Water.” He told Hayley whose long hair was a damp mass of curls. “I’m sorry for not having any air conditioning, Tuck. Welcome to life after grad school.”

  “Talk about antiques. I’m surprised this little car has gotten us as far as it has.” He said.

  “Bug was my mom’s car if you can believe it. “ Hayley said as she turned to Tucker. “This little thing took her to and from college and across the country not once, but twice. She is the little engine that could. ”

  Tucker opened up the door said with a laugh. “Remind me to tell Ella when this show is over to

  get to you raise. Bug deserves t retirement or an air conditioner.”

  Hayley giggled as the two of them got out of the car, “Will do.”

  While Tucker went to grab some drinks for the two of them, Hayley went into the ladies room

  and sat in the stall. She was hot, hungry and dog-tired. This was their last stop before the actual show began in a couple of weeks. Her mind raced with fear over what would happen if they found no one.

  There has to six guys who fit the bill, right?

  Hayley was close to giving up. All of the tapes and tryout camps that she and Tucker had gone to or observed were disappointments. Most of the people either could work but not have the charisma that Contact Sports wanted, or had the looks but not a lick of athletic ability.

  She took out her flip cam and turned it on herself. With the rent and a large student loan, being unemployed, and homeless were not options. Hayley decided that as part of her hosting duties that she would document her crazy journey for the public. She had three video journals completed and her boss, Ella loved the premise so much, that she decided that these ‘road diaries’ would be a part of the show.

  Taping herself was both cathartic and daunting. On the one hand, it was freeing to get her frustrations out, but, on the other hand, she bared her soul to millions of people every week. It was raw, naked and organic. The perfect way to introduce Hayley to the viewing public, but it was also a way for the audience to root for the prospects once the show began.

  Time for some broadcast therapy. She figured she had 3 minutes to spare before some tourist walked in with a bunch of screaming kids messing up her train of thought. If there were a chance to do this; it was now. She pressed the record button.

  “Damn; I look like shit...oh well, whatever. It’s 90 degrees out, and his bathroom is the coolest place I’ve been in the last 24 hours. I’m your host Hayley Monroe, and today’s journey on finding the

  ‘Next Great Hope’ is in Brockton, New York. Tucker Gray and I are about 15 minutes from one of the Rounders University gyms he owns, and there are supposedly a few people who are ready, willing and able to take on the challenge of seeing if they have what it takes to be a contender. So far, no one’s brought it. Let’s hope today they can. “Hayley said.

  The record button flashed like crazy in the corner of the screen as the screams of a young girl

  automatically finished Hayley’s video diary for her. “Mommy, hurry up, I have to pee!” As quick as Hayley pressed the stop button, she heard the thunder of little feet sprinting into the bathroom.

  My cue to exit. She placed the flip cam back into her tote, opened up a stall door and left the restroom. Tucker was waiting for her with 2 large water bottles and a couple of large plastic bags.

  “All set?” he asked, giving her one of the water bottles.

  “Yep”. She replied. “I even finished another video journal.” She added as she pointed to the bag.

  “Oh, these are a couple of Turkey subs. I figured that since we’re in for a long day, we might as well eat something before things get too crazy.” Tucker explained to her while they walked back to her car.

  “Tucker, do you think that this group is the group?” She asked.

  His eyes glimmered with optimism. “I do. These guys are a bit different from the others. Not only are they ranked nationally, but they have experience in dealing with the media. Billy and I pulled out all the stops on this one.”

  “I wish I could be so confident. I’m not doubting you, but we’re getting down to the wire. I’m

  just worried that if we don’t find what we’re looking for today, I’m out of a job.” She said in a grim tone.

  “Not happening.” Tucker explained. “Ella told me you’re doing a fantastic job. If we can’t find what we’re looking for in this group, she told me they’ll delay the show until we do, with you on board.

  What’s good about this group I’ve invited is that they’re already in fighting shape. All they need to do is be ready to turn it up when its game time.”

  His reassurance was addicting. The more Hayley listened to him, the more determined she got.

  “Ok, that makes me feel better. Guess it’s time to see who passes go and collects $200 now, huh?”

  “That’s my girl.” Tucker said as their got into the car and headed towards the gym.


  At Rounders University, the place was packed full of men in various sizes, shapes and styles.

  Tucker was right. This group was definitely different from the previous ones she had witnessed. Cameras were stationed all around the gym, catching every single drill Billy and Tucker put them through. Hayley watched everything on a TV screen in Tucker’s office. She was impressed with how well the 20 men were holding up through the grueling workouts and an obstacle course that needed to be finished to move onto the next round. .

  Twenty went down to 10; more workouts resumed. Only this time; there was a mock interview

  session where the candidates they had to tell the public what being the ‘Next Great Hope’ meant to them.

  At midnight, the top 10 became the top five. If these five got through their background checks, she could have them on a plane and into the training house in the undisclosed location of Los Angeles by the end of the week.

  It was after midnight; she watched the last interview with pride. The candidate she watched was

  named Mike Tunney. He was young, talented, and could charm his way out of the match with Jackson Briggs if he had to. His smile was infectious, and one couldn’t help but to be drawn to his passion of the sport. She was relieved at this group that Tucker and Billy brought in. Her enthusiasm couldn’t be contained when Tucker and Billy walked into Tucker’s office. Hayley sprang up and drew the two men into a hug. “Oh, my god, thank you! All of these guys were fantastic.”

  Soaked in sweat with a towel draped around his head, Billy asked with uncertainty, “Yeah?”

  Hayley was all smiles as she nodded. “Hell yeah. This was excellent. Now, these five men are

  guys that I’d want to see on my TV! Where in the hell have you been hiding these guys, Tucker?”

  “Deep in my basement.” The middle aged man had quipped before he continued. “They’ve

  always been here. They wanted a chance to show you what they could do, since they heard about the show. They figured it was the one of the only ways to get to the next level.”

  She sat back down and told them both. “And then there is one…”

  Billy sat on the edge of the desk. “See anyone else in the files that you can pull?” he asked.

  “If Hayley couldn’t find them before, I doubt she’d find them again.” Tucker said.

  “Are there any gyms we missed?” she asked with interest.

  “There are a couple of smaller ones I can check out in the morning. But Hayley let me ask you

  something. If you want the people with you, t
hen why don’t you let them choose the last one?” Tucker suggested.

  Hayley’s eyes rose. She wrapped a strand of long hair around her ear and took a long swig of her water. “I want to give this one more try. I want authentic athletes like the five we have. They’ve got stories compelling enough to make you want to root for them throughout the series.”

  With a half-yawn, Billy said, “Back to the drawing board.”

  “We’ll try the gyms once more. If we can’t, then I promise to go on TV and appeal to the public.”

  Hayley suggested. “Deal?”

  Both men nodded. “Deal.”

  Chapter Four

  “I’m sorry Evan. We’re going to have to let you go.”

  It was the news he dreaded while sitting in his foreman’s office. How would he explain to his

  mother, attorney and the bank that held his mortgage that he was unemployed-again?

  “Isn’t there anything you can do for me? I’ll do anything. Hell, I’ll sweep floors if you want me to.” Evan pleaded.

  The foreman sat staring at him with a grim face. “You know I would if there were something, but

  our whole section has been cut including me. Management put everything they had into that Halliburton deal and came up empty. I’m sorry, man.”

  Evan’s blue eyes turned from concern to anger. “Sorry,’s not going to pay my mortgage.” He said

  as he got up from his chair and left the mill.

  When he arrived home, he was so mentally worn-out from what had happened to him at the mill,

  that he realized it was only 8:30 a.m. He was thankful that his mother, Edna lived with him and could take Everly to school. After that, his mom would then go to her sister’s for a few hours before picking up his daughter around 3.

  He had 6 ½ hours to try to figure out his next step. What would he do after this last paycheck? At least they’d have food and a roof over their head for the next month, but after that, then what?

  All these questions swirled in his head as he took off his hoodie revealing a gray t-shirt that

  outlined his narrowed waist and broad shoulders. He walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a cup...

  He poured himself some lukewarm coffee that his mother left in the coffee pot and sat down in the family room. In front of him were stacks of bills. He was disgusted as he began to leaf through them. Water bill, electric & gas bill, cable, phone…mortgage. But the one letter that disturbed him was from his attorney. Fucking Tamara, what now? Haven’t you done enough?

  He knew he should have thrown it out the minute he saw it, but instead he decided to open and

  read it. It was a request from his ex-wife petitioning for sole custody of Everly due to a recent stint in rehab. She was set to marry her longtime boyfriend in the fall and figured it was time to get to know her daughter.

  It took everything in him not to go and pick up Everly and fly out on the next plane to some

  nameless, small town where Tamara could never find them. It was the last thing he needed in a day that was already one of the worst he had ever had. Before last year, Tamara never had an interest in Everly.

  He didn’t understand the sudden push for custody. Kids cramped her party style. For him, his little girl was the best thing to have ever happened to him. As Tamara drove deeper into drugs, their little girl was the one thing that saved him from going over the brink. She was his light when things were darkest.

  His blue eyes were heavy from thought. As he drifted off to sleep, a tap on the shoulder startled him.

  “Daddy? Daddy?” Whispered the faint, female voice.

  Half-groggy, Evan opened his eyes and teased. “Not now...”

  The little girl with the long brown hair, standing in front of him wearing a pair of jeans and white t-shirt jumped onto his lap and yelled “Yes, now!”

  He hugged her and laughed. “I suppose so. What’s up Ev? Did you have a good day?”

  His daughter gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat back up. “Yeah, it was good. I beat my friend Lindsay at Flappy Birds during lunch.”

  Evan’s eyes rose. “Oh yeah, what was the score?”

  Everly’s blue eyes danced as she proudly stated. “213!”

  Her father was stunned. “Shut up. 213? I can barely get 10 on that thing.”

  Everly began to laugh. “Yep. 213. Let’s face it Dad, you’re not a video game type and that’s ok.”

  Evan smiled. “It is, huh?”

  Everly nodded her head in response. “Yep. You barely can use the DVR or use the toaster.

  Thank god you have me around.” She giggled.

  “I am baby. I am.” He told her as he drew her into another hug for several minutes before she sat back up. “Did you have a good day?” his daughter asked

  Evan took a deep breath and rolled his eyes. “Unfortunately, no. But you’re making it a better


  Everly’s smile turned into a frown. “I’m sorry, Daddy. You don’t deserve a bad day.”

  He shrugged. “It happens baby. It is what it is.”

  “Did someone bother you? You need me to put someone in an armbar for ya?”

  His eyebrows raised in shock. He shouldn’t be surprised she knew what that was considering

  where he came from. “No armbars, Miss Thang, Daddy lost his job today.”

  She was playing with the ends of his shirt when she said. “Again? I’m sorry Dad. It’ll be okay.”

  “What will be okay?” Edna Bates said as she wandered into the family room while she put her

  hair into a ponytail. In her mid-sixties, Edna looked more like she could be in her early fifties. She was a striking petite woman with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes that looked at her son with curiosity. “What’s going on? You’re home early.” She asked, placing the car keys down on the table.

  “I got let go today.” He told her.

  The news deflated her as she plopped down next to him. “Well, sorry, you lost your job, but I’m

  not surprised. That place has seen better days. It’d be better if they closed it down all together and let this town move on with the rest of the world.”

  “True, but the money was good. We were just getting back on our feet.” He told her.

  She placed her hand on his shoulder. “We will be fine. Always are, always will be. We won’t be

  broke. I have my savings.” She reassured him.

  Evan looked at her with disapproval. “No, I don’t want to you to keep going into your savings

  account. It’s your money. I can’t keep depending on you.” He said while his daughter placed her head against his chest.

  “Evan, it’s our money. A lot of it is money you gave me and your father once upon a time. It’s

  my pleasure to give it back and help you.” Edna told him.

  “I gave that money to the two of you so that you wouldn’t ever have to worry about working

  again.” He said.

  “And I’m not working, am I? If your father were still alive, he’d be telling you the same thing.

  Stop worrying.

  “Ma, come on. You know as well as I do that we have a lot to worry about. We’re two months

  behind in the mortgage and Everly’s tuition is coming up.” Evan said.

  “Well, you could go back to Marlowe’s and beg for your job back.” Edna proposed.

  Evan snickered. “I don’t think so.”

  “Why? It’s one of the best clubs in town. And you were getting good money as a bouncer.”

  “Been there, done that. Want to be able to tuck this one into bed at night.” He explained.

  “Well, what about security for that rapper friend of yours. The one you trained with at Tucker

  Gray’s gym, Rounders?”

  “Ma, again the travel. I can’t be away from Everly that long. That guy’s on tour for months on

  end. You’d be lucky if you saw me here once a month.”

  “There is an MMA match I
heard your cousin, Mike talking about going on at Mason’s Bar.

  Payout’s $5000.”

  “Out of practice.” He told her as he dismissed it.

  “Bullshit. You’re out of the house and into the gym by 5 a.m. every day.” She told him.

  Evan played with Everly’s hair. “To workout, not to fight.”

  “Fighting is what you do. Not this 9-5 shit. It’s in your blood. ” Edna reminded him.

  “Was Ma… The word is was. That was five years ago. “

  “Your dad and I were so proud of you. I still am. But I had to admit, it made my heart proud to

  know my son was one of the top fighters in the country.”

  “And then more important things happened.” He reminded her.

  “Sure did. My granddaughter is wonderful. We all love her. She should be your priority. But the Octagon is where you belong.”

  “Mom-, “he said as she interrupted him.

  “Mom nothing. Take the fight. Kick those local’s asses and see how you feel afterwards. $5000 g

  is hard to turn down.” Edna retorted.

  “It is a few mortgage payments and a couple of legal bills.” Evan said

  Edna rolled her eyes at the mention of the legal bills. “What does the witch want now?” She


  Evan picked up Everly and placed her down on the floor. “Baby, why don’t you go to your room

  and play that new video game I got for you.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” She said and ran off.

  “Thanks ma, for talking shit about my daughter’s mother in front of her.” Evan said.

  “I could have said worse about that bitch. What’s Tamara’s problem now?” His mother asked as she placed her feet on the table.

  “She wants to have a relationship with Everly, so she’s filed a petition for sole custody. ” Evan explained.

  “That’s not happening!” Edna screamed.

  A dull pain throbbed from his temples. He placed his fingers on each his side of his head and

  began to massage it. “You’re preaching to the choir. I guess I have to go to court and explain why I think Tamara is an unfit mother-Again.”

  “Unreal. You don’t need this now.” Edna said.